This site out of date and will be closed on the 1st August 2024. To learn more about Coracle, visit

Who's Who on the "My Contacts" menu

image description

You will find a "MY CONTACTS" menu located on the dropdown menu which appears when clicking the arrow next to your username top left of your screen.


This page will show you who fills the following roles:

  • Supervisor (these are the people who are in charge of your overall learning)
  • Group Administrators (you may not be in a Group, so this may be blank)
  • Activity Moderators (these people manage the content within a specific Activity for you)

You can use the Mail icon next to their names to send a message directly if you have any queries.

Quick start

Quick Start guide to Osprey-VLE

Find information on:

  • Setting up an account and logging in
  • Launching activities
  • Password reset
  • The Learning Line & Sidebar
  • Who's who on the "My Contacts" menu
  • Apps for Offline use

And more...

Advanced features

Beyond the basics of Osprey-VLE

Find information on:

  • Managing your account
  • Understanding progress reports
  • The "I Learnt This" Button
  • What are Badges?
  • User Groups
  • The Message Line (Communities)
  • Admin Guide


Mother of Sea Cadet

My son says that the apps are very nice to use and work really well. This is great as they look like they will be able to support his learning with additional focus.

Questions, feedback, suggestions:

If you would like to get in touch with us, complete this form.