This site out of date and will be closed on the 1st August 2024. To learn more about Coracle, visit

Platform languages

image description

Osprey-VLE can support many languages.

We currently offer the platform in

  • English
  • Mandarin
  • Spanish
  • Suomi

Changing the language of the platform is very easy! You will find a "select language" menu located on the dropdown menu which appears when clicking the arrow next to your username top left of your screen.



Please note: Changing the language of the platform will not change the language of the activity. Some activities are available as non-English, but this is independent of the platform language.

New language please!

If you would like to see a new language added to Osprey-VLE, please use the form below to submit your request.

Quick start

Quick Start guide to Osprey-VLE

Find information on:

  • Setting up an account and logging in
  • Launching activities
  • Password reset
  • The Learning Line & Sidebar
  • Who's who on the "My Contacts" menu
  • Apps for Offline use

And more...

Advanced features

Beyond the basics of Osprey-VLE

Find information on:

  • Managing your account
  • Understanding progress reports
  • The "I Learnt This" Button
  • What are Badges?
  • User Groups
  • The Message Line (Communities)
  • Admin Guide


Useful app!

R. Burn: "I find this app extremely useful. If I was in the unenviable position of having to sit any of my deck exams this would be one of the first apps I would refer to."

Questions, feedback, suggestions:

If you would like to get in touch with us, complete this form.